I was requested to post pictures of the bags I have been making in my 'mini sweat shop' as I call it. I even tried to get Mr. JW into it, but he said "I don't want to take away any of your fun, so I'll just keep to my activities.". So, I have been making them by order and for others who think they may want to take a look.
Be creative, I forgot to take a picture of my 2nd horse bag, but it's just like this one. Purple/Plum for the accent color.
Bird feed bag #1
(also forgot to take a picture of the finished product.
But it's pretty and goes for a pretty penny.)
Smaller version of bird feed bag #1.
I made 2 out of 1, there was a need for smaller book-bag size bag and
this was what I came up with.
The handles are of nylon strap, the only two with out the actual feed bag material for straps.
(Imagine the top for one bag and this bag is the bottom half.)
Bunny food bag, with lime/kelly green for the accent color.
This bag also is smaller since it was a 25 lb. bag and not a 50 lb.
Birdseed bag #2
It looks a bit rough, that's because it is.

The 'original' chicken bag that started the rave of these bags.
Horse bag #1
Chick Bag
Whole Oats bag with hunter orange for the accent color.
I even got scolded by my friend, Ms. L saying 'she was the first order and she still hasn't gotten her hands on one'. Well that was the beginning of February and it's now the end. I will have to say, I do have a supply to show her so she can take her pick. And of course, be cool like me. Another friend L also wants one but I'm not sure which one would 'suit her fancy', so I'm needing to talk her about this.
And I need to announce that I just received a whole new shipment of bags and I am so excited, you don't even know! I am getting them made up and out to sell.
I might even get them into a consignment shop besides the Old 52 General store.
How exciting.
So, which bag is your favorite?
If you could choose any picture for the side of the bag, what would it be?
Due to much debate, how much would you pay for one?
Size: depth: 4.25", width: 17" & height: 17"
Completely recycled from a feed bag, body, handles & pockets.
Thread is the only outside source used.
I love that bunny one and I think that "rough" looking sunflower one is pretty sweet too. ;) Great work; you're so talented!
Very, very cool. I would pay around $15 for one (that's probably what a similar sized bag would sell for at Target IMHO). The first sunflower/birdseed one is easily my favorite. I love finches and chickadees!
Also congratulations on your pregnancy! Oh my goodness that's awesome!!! :D I had heard a rumor that you might be, but hadn't seen you mention it on FB or on here 'till I saw the countdown! Yay! I'm very, very happy for you all. You're such a great momma to little CMW. :)
Lexie--I'd like a bag too. My favorite is the songbird one with the chickadee (black oil sunflowers). Decide on your price, send it along with Jane on our sister's weekend, Apr 23, 24, 25. I'll send a check back with Jane. These are great and strong too, I bet.
Looking forward to seeing the new addition to your family later in the summer.
Hey! Those are pretty neat! I know you're advocating the all recycled parts, but I think you could get more for them if you used more of those nylon handles like on the bird-seed bag. It may be more comfortable to use that way too. But awesome work! Good Idea Jim! Have fun!!!!!!!!
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