It's been a long time since I have last updated on the happenings of the Waa's and thought I'd give my family a little view...
- New cameo rain boots for all the water that is sticking around since it's Spring!!
- Deciding she does not need to wear a coat or hat but needs to run through the puddles when it's not even 35 degree's
- She went to another fitness night and Mawga Paula came to watch, C had a lot of fun and was wore out by the evening's end. Cousin J came too!!
- C has entered the 2yrs Sunday School class and she seems to enjoy it.
- Potty Training... does a mom good! She has accomplished this very well and when she doesn't make it, she knows to get dry cloths, take of the wet and put them in the tub.
- Visits G'ma Jane every other Sunday while her parents attend the Truth Project @ church.
- Is getting over her fear of the chickens... this past fall, one chicken flew out of the coop and the feet touched her head, that scared her like it would any little person. She now enjoys getting the eggs and feeding them bread through the fence.

Helping with coop moving & clean up!
- She is testing the strength of the feed bags I make, how you ask? Well I asked her if she wanted to swing and she got in, I picked up the handles and away she goes. We now know these bags are good up to 25 lbs, at least!
- She officially moved into a big bed!! The mattress is on the floor :-( since her bed is still in board form sitting in her Papa Arts shop! But we'll get it soon and we'll show it off!
- C has been playing guitar with her dad too!
The ukulele her dad built from a kit!
What has the Mr. Waa been up to?
- He's been leading worship for the 3rd - 6th grade kids at our church on Wednesday nights
- Attends a men's discipleship group
- He attended a 'Collective Soul' concert with me (the one who found the event) & surly did enjoy the 'old' but 'very cool' rock band.
- He helped move the chicken coop, scooped all the poop, started a compost pile :-) & built our chickens a 'chicken run'. What a great guy!
Coop moved for summer and the new run!
- Before the flood season, he scraped off the driveway so the snow would melt faster and now our driveway is nice and dry.
- He helped build a dike for friends on the Red River & I think his body came out on top this year!
- Before dike building he got all fixed up by the chiropractor, it took all 6 visits, boy was he tense and out of whack.
- He comes home every evening ready to see CMW and does a darn good job, not sure I could come home after a day's work and put all the effort he does in to her.
- He finished up his basement project. The room has sheet rock, carpet, new lighting and paint. Now he's on to phase two of saving money instead of spending. :-)
What has the Mrs. Waa up to?
- Helping C with her everyday needs, the older she gets the better it gets.
- Teaching CMW to ask for 'help' instead of crying/yelling about what's frustrating her.
- Helped move C into a big bed and working on a new routine for bedtime, not as easy as I think.
- Making bags and more bags and finding feed bags to make bags! It's just so fun!

CMW took this picture with our camera! Isn't she good?
- Giving piano lessons to one student & thanks to my piano teacher for the helpful hits, it's going well.
- I continue to play volleyball & I love the work out. The team I'm on is improving and I would of never guest but I am the setter when in front & it's not as hard as I always have thought. I guess when I put my mind to it, I can do it!
- Planning baby showers, two to be exact and one has been postponed do to an early delivery and one isn't until August but this is for my girlfriend who is overseas & planning ahead is necessary.
- Attending bible study on Tuesday mornings, a parenting study and I would have to say that I am learning more about myself & how to be towards my children which turns into parenting. Now that we have gone though more then half of the study, a lot of parenting is knowing yourself and knowing how to react towards a situation and preparing ahead of time instead of waiting.
- I'm selling our eggs! And finding them in strange places too.
This is on the back side of our coop, on straw bales... only a day old
and I assure you, they are not being sold.
Did you see the egg laid in the hole of that 2x4?
- Preparing for baby #2 a little bit. More so just a lot of brain storming of what I want to happen and 'how to do this' and 'how to do that'. And of course a little bit of sewing so this baby does not feel left out. Name?? Well we are still working on those. :-)
- And to add just a bit more spice to my life, I added a bit of color to my hair, the color purple!
There you have it, a sneak peak of life.
Happy Spring & Happy Tulips!!